Customer Services

Please use this form to contact us with any customer-based queries and we will get back to you as soon as possible! We aim to reply to all messages within 2 working days. Alternatively, you can send an email to



Writers! If you have an idea for an article in [lock-on] or any project we’re currently requesting pitches for, this is the place to pitch! Alternatively you can contact us on For a guide to pitch submissions, see below.

  • Here are some points it would be useful for you to cover when submitting a pitch to us:

    1) A synopsis of the piece

    2) Who you are, and why you want to write this article or why you think you are the best person to do so

    3) Why you feel it meets the brief/would appeal to the readers of [lock-on]
4) A longer explanation of what your piece will be about, ideally a couple of paragraphs

    5) If you would like to submit a document, we would advise an open link to document uploaded to a Google Drive/Dropbox/equivalent cloud storage service account. If you would prefer you can instead send via attachment to with the title ‘PITCH DOCUMENT - [Your Name]’

    We are working 2-3 volumes in advance, so if you aren’t pitching for content we’re specifically requesting it may take us a little time to get back to you with an answer either, and we may commission your piece for a volume 3-9 months away (we are a quarterly publication).

    If you’re unsure whether to pitch… just do it! While you may not be successful, we are always interested to hear new ideas, and are willing to work with people even if they’re new to writing or have difficulties. If we love your idea, we’ll do what we can to make it work.

    We’re looking forward to reading your pitch!



All press enquiries, including review, feature and interview requests, may be directed to Please also contact us if you would like to be added to our press list.


Want to work with us?

We welcome hearing from any companies or licensors interested in working with us on books or products. For such proposals, please contact